I published this blog from 2003 to 2008.

Maintaining it doubled as a means to keep up with server, web, and publishing technologies. Over time it migrated from Movable Type, to Wordpress, to Django, back to Wordpress, to Jekyll and Ruhoh, to Hakyll, and back to Jekyll — with unpublished attempts in Ghost and Hexo.

These were written when I was (obviously) much younger; but also, when the web was younger too. Much of it now strikes me as naive. Even more may strike you as naive, if you read these though as though they were written today. For context, this was written before the terms “single-page application” and “AJAX” existed (and before the concepts were in common use). The earlier posts predate jQuery, and its predecessor Scriptaculous. For much of this time, I was working on the Laszlo Presentation Server, which became OpenLaszlo, and was an early alternate-history exploration of these ideas, as well as data binding and reactive web programming. It was far from clear that JavaScript would evolve to become a software engineering language, or gain support for functional programming.

Popular posts included The IDE Divide and Overloading Semicolon.

Posts that failed to make a splash include Service Clients (an early attempt to describe what was later named AJAX), and Rethinking MVC (an early attempt to describe what was later named MVVM).

The illustrations in my My Git Workflow have been adapted (with permission) and improved many times. You can find better versions, including interactive versions, elsewhere on the web.


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